How to Improve Your Healthcare Experience in South Florida
In an ideal world, medical care would revolve around you and your own preferences, adhering to your particular needs and wishes – fitting into your schedule and routine, unhindered by problems such as an unwavering medical professional who views healthcare choices in black and white. Reality is far from perfect though, and the majority of us tend to submit to doctors’ orders without any concept that there might be a better-suited choice.
With some knowledge, however, patients can, in fact, take a more proactive stance regarding their healthcare. Recognized as “person-centered care,” it involves medical professionals working in collaboration with patients and any other family or care providers they define, taking into consideration the patient’s preferences, values and goals, and making use of that information as a guide throughout all areas of care.
There are a few helpful steps we could all take to achieve a more individualized degree of care:
- Think about your healthcare objectives, and write this information down to share with your medical practitioners. And, ask that medical personnel include these goals in your health records.
- Become well-educated in your own health conditions and needs, and just how they’re impacting your everyday life. As an example, are you having to deal with challenges with any sort of routine activities of everyday living, such as taking a bath or getting dressed? Are you struggling with particular types of movements, such as lifting or bending? An excellent assessment tool is available here.
- Be sure that discussions with medical professionals are two-sided. Fully engage in a conversation to ensure your concerns are addressed and that you understand any potential side effects or other risks of treatment recommendations.
- Should you have a number of medical doctors (for example, a primary care doctor and one or more specialists in a variety of practices), confirm that communication is taking place among all. This could necessitate requesting that documentation be shared between providers, and then following up to ensure that’s been accomplished.
- Include a trusted family member, friend, or professional in-home caregiver, such as Responsive Home Care provides, in all healthcare appointments. Having another individual around to jot down notes, answers to questions, and any other pertinent information helps make sure that no balls are dropped.
For additional advice, and for a partner in care to help make certain the elderly and their loved ones have a voice in their care needs, contact Responsive Home Care’s South Florida home care experts. We’ll provide accompanied transportation to treatments and appointments, pick up prescription medications and run other errands, cook healthy and balanced meals, and so much more. Call us at 954-486-6440 for help and support.