What to Do if a Loved One Won’t Let Elder Care Providers In

You finally took the step of hiring senior care providers for your loved one, but she’s not having that at all. Now what can you do?

Senior Care Deerfield Beach FL - What Can You Do if Your Elderly Loved One Won't Let Senior Care Providers In?

Senior Care Deerfield Beach FL – What Can You Do if Your Elderly Loved One Won’t Let Senior Care Providers In?

Don’t Force Your Loved One to Accept the Situation at First

It’s tempting to simply set up time with your loved one’s new senior care providers and then make it happen, no matter what. The problem is that your elderly loved one can see that as a situation that she needs to rally against and it can make the problem even bigger. If your loved one is actively against having home care providers with her, you may need to try other steps first.

Start out Slowly and with Small Tasks

One way to do that is to start out slowly and with simple, small tasks at first. You might invite in-home senior care providers in to do a few household chores while you’re home, for example. This can help your loved one to get used to the idea of other people even being at the house and helping out. You might also want to focus these initial tasks on things that the senior care provider can do specifically for you, not necessarily directly for your loved one just yet.

Listen to Your Loved One’s Objections

Your loved one may want to share with you exactly why she’s not okay with this idea and that’s a good thing. Make it a point to listen carefully to what her objections are and see if you can determine what the underlying causes of those objections might be. Your loved one might be afraid to be vulnerable in front of someone that she doesn’t know, for example. This can be extremely difficult, but it’s important to try to understand what your loved one’s objections really mean.

Give it Time

Ultimately, you may simply need to give the situation time and come back to it at a later date. Periodically bring the idea up again and try again. You may find that after your loved one thinks about the situation for a little while, she’s much more amenable to the idea.

Keep talking to your loved one and let her know that you love her and that you can use the extra help.

Contact Our Professional Elder Care Providers

If you or an aging loved one are considering home health care in Coral Springs, FL to provide companionship, compassion and motivation, please contact the caring staff at Responsive Home Care. Call today 954-486-6440.


How Can You Tell When Your Senior Loved One Really Needs Some Extra Help?

It’s not an easy task to determine when your senior loved one needs additional help from you or from a full service private duty home care company. Your loved one might not even want to talk about the subject, making the conversation even more difficult.

Home Health Care Coral Springs FL - How Can You Tell When Your Elderly Loved One Really Needs Some Extra Help?

Home Health Care Coral Springs FL – How Can You Tell When Your Elderly Loved One Really Needs Some Extra Help?

Your Loved One’s Home Doesn’t Look Right

You’ve likely become quite accustomed to how your loved one’s home looks when she’s feeling well and able to keep up with everything. You’ll probably notice quite quickly if her home starts to look different or just not right. That feeling can be one of your first clues that something is going on with your loved one.

Your Loved One Doesn’t Seem to Be Able to Manage Daily Activities

Activities of daily living is a description that applies to the activities that your loved one needs to do every day simply as a part of her normal routine. These kinds of activities include bathing herself and getting dressed every day, brushing her hair, eating healthy meals, and just taking care of the basics of life.

Your Loved One Has Unexplained Injuries or Wounds

If you’re noticing that your loved one has injuries or wounds that weren’t there the last time you saw her and she can’t tell you what happened, that’s a cause for concern. These injuries can be a sign that your loved one is falling or otherwise isn’t having an easy time taking care of herself.

Your Loved One Is More Out of Touch than Usual

Some elderly loved ones have always been a little lax about returning phone calls or answering the phone when you call, but if your loved one is more difficult to reach than ever before, that’s a sign. She may not hear the phone or she may have emotional responses that leave her unwilling to talk to you. It’s important to be able to check in with your loved one, and if she doesn’t get better about it after you tell her you’re worried, there may be more going on.

Your Loved One Doesn’t Seem as Involved in Her Life

If you’re starting to notice that your loved one is not opening her mail, neglecting to pay major bills, or otherwise seeming to be uninterested in her own life, you may need to intervene. These are all signs that your loved one could be overwhelmed or simply out of touch with what she needs to be doing.

Your elderly loved one may need your help, but she may still resist a bit, so there may still be some convincing for you to do.

As the best home care company in Fort Lauderdale, FL and the surrounding area, Responsive Home Care is here to help you and your senior loved one by providing companionship, compassionate care, and so much more. Contact our caring staff today at 954-486-6440.

Medications that may be Causing Fatigue

Fatigue is a common complaint among the elderly population. According to a study published in the Journal of Gerontology and conducted at Columbia University Medical Center, “almost 1 in 5 senior citizens report that they have so little energy that they spend most of the day sitting on the sofa.” Not only do caregivers, family and friends begin to think of it as a normal process of aging, but doctors and other home health care providers may as well.

Home Care Plantation FL - Medications that may be Causing Fatigue

Home Care Plantation FL – Medications that may be Causing Fatigue

The truth is that there is often an underlying cause contributing to fatigue. Several possibilities exist including heart and kidney disease, lung disease, anemia, depression, social isolation and the side-effects of medications.

A few of the Medications that may be the Culprit

Antibiotics. Several drugs prescribed to treat bacterial infections can cause fatigue. These include amoxicillin, azithromycin and levofloxacin. According to a report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “at least 30 percent of antibiotics prescribed in the United States are unnecessary.” While antibiotics can be life-saving drugs, be sure your parent’s doctor has confirmed a bacterial infection before administering.

Blood pressure medications including beta blockers. A few common brand names include Prinivil, Zestril, Lasix, Lopressor and Tekturna. Fatigue may result due to the body’s reduced heart rate and depression of the central nervous system. These drugs may also deplete the body of vital nutrients.

Statin Drugs. These medications are used to lower cholesterol levels. Common names include Lipitor, Crestor and Zocor. Statins are shown to inhibit muscle growth as well as the production of energy in cells.

Tranquilizers or benzodiazepines. This medication is commonly used to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia and muscle spasms. Common brand names include Xanax, Valium and Ativan. Increasing doses can promote fatigue and dependence, particularly among the elderly.

Proton pump inhibitors. These drugs are used to treat acid reflux and digestive disorders. A common over-the-counter remedy is Prilosec. Unfortunately, these drugs may deplete magnesium ultimately leading to fatigue. A change in diet can often resolve this issue.

Antidepressants. Common antidepressants include Prozac and Zoloft. These drugs inhibit the normal function of serotonin and norepinephrine, neurotransmitters in the brain.

How to Help

Make a list of all medications, including over-the-counter and natural supplements that your parent is taking. Make an appointment with their primary health care provider or pharmacist to discuss the medications including potential side-effects and interactions. There are often actions that can be taken to limit potentially life-altering side-effects. These include changing the dose, the medication, or the time it is taken.

It may also be possible to institute lifestyle changes and use alternative therapies in place of some medications. As the family caregiver, you are your parent’s advocate. Knowing you have done all that can be done to ensure productive and happy years as they age will provide peace of mind for both you and your parent.

Resources:  http://www.cumc.columbia.edu/publications/press_releases/anergia-gerontology-mathew-maurer.html

If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Services in Plantation FL to provide companionship, compassion and motivation, please contact the caring staff at Responsive Home Care. Call today 954-486-6440.

How Seniors Can Maintain Healthy Bones

Home Care Deerfield Beach  FL

Home Care Deerfield Beach FLThe bones become increasingly brittle as seniors age. Weakened bones occur for a number of reasons, one being the fact that many older adults lack the amount of calcium and vitamin D their bodies need to keep their bones healthy. If your loved one lived by themselves, they may need help and encouragement from caregivers or home care providers in order to make healthy choices for their body.

Tips for Healthy Bones

Increase Vitamin D Intake
Vitamin D helps the bones absorb calcium in order to keep them healthy and strong. Adults between the ages of 19 and 70 should receive 600 international units per day, while adults over the age of 71 should have about 800 international units. Vitamin D can be found in egg yolks, fortified cereals and milk, tuna, sardines, and sunlight.

Eat Plenty of Calcium
Getting plenty of calcium each day will protect the body from osteoporosis and other disease that could affect the bone density. Adults between the ages of 19 and 70 should have about 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day, while adults over the age of 71 should have 1,200 milligrams. Calcium can be found in dairy products, almonds, kale, broccoli, and soy products.

Exercise More
By getting plenty of exercise per day, the bones will become stronger and will reduce the risk of bone loss. Weight bearing exercises are low-impact exercises that will keep the elder healthy without over exerting themselves. Walking, climbing stairs, jogging, and walking will help keep their bones strong.

Refrain from Using Substances
Alcohol and tobacco use can actually cause the process of losing bone mass to speed up. To prevent this from happening, avoid using these substances. If they must drink, men should have no more this two drinks and women should only have one drink.

Pay Attention to Their Recent Health History
Has your loved one been hospitalized for a hip fracture or broken bone? If so, they could be suffering from bone loss. Talk to their doctor to get tips in how to salvage their bone density and strengthen it for a healthy future.

Lose Extra Pounds
If your loved one is overweight, they could be putting more stress on their bones and joints. Encourage your loved one to eat a healthy diet, exercise, and get plenty of rest in order to lose. Any extra weight their body is holding on to.

Bone health becomes even more important with age. Help your loved one keep their bones healthy and strong for years to come by following these tips.

Source: http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/bone-health/art-20045060

If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Services in Deerfield FL to provide companionship, compassion and motivation, please contact the caring staff at Responsive Home Care. Call today 954-486-6440.