Starting Home Care: What to do When Family Is in Denial

When a family member refuses the need for parents starting home care, we have tips to help.

Once you realize that an aging loved one could benefit from starting home care services, it’s not uncommon for the aging loved one to be resistant to the idea. After all, acknowledging the need for assistance is not easy, especially for an individual who values their privacy and independence. However, it gets more challenging when another family member is the one in denial about starting home care. When you’ve reached an impasse within your family in regards to the need for senior care, there’s one very likely culprit to consider: denial. Read more

Assessing the Mental Health of Seniors When You Live Far Away

Assessing the Mental Health of Seniors

Find helpful tips on assessing the mental health of seniors.

The fear and isolation as a result of have wreaked havoc on the wellbeing of older adults, with nearly one-half of seniors surveyed in a Kaiser Family Foundation stating that their level of stress and worry was negatively affecting their health. Even though it still may be risky to visit in person with senior loved ones, it is important to stay in regular and frequent contact and also to watch out for any changes or signs which might signify a mental health concern, such as depression. Assessing the mental health of seniors is possible, even from a distance.

As stated by psychiatrist Judith Feld, MD, MPH, “If a senior usually really enjoys a call with a grandchild, for example, but that seems to have changed, maybe you need to ask more questions, such as, ‘How can we be of help?’”

Other warning signs of depression to watch for include sleeping problems, reduced appetite, listlessness, and complaints about pain, which interestingly, is often one of the main symptoms of depression in older adults. Take note of anything that may seem abnormal for a senior’s personality and character.

It’s important to understand that depression is not simply an unavoidable aspect of growing older, and that it is a serious –  but treatable – condition.

Here are a few additional ideas to help you with assessing the mental health of seniors:

  • Keep the conversations organic and natural, without coming across as interrogating. Statements such as, “Tell me what’s been happening in your life this week,” will motivate a senior to open up significantly more than, “Tell me what the doctor said at your last scheduled appointment.” The goal is to be caring yet not condescending, being mindful never to attempt to parent your parents.
  • While seeing and talking with the grandkids on Zoom is a good way to boost an older adult’s spirits, make sure to allow for some one-on-one time for you to talk without children present.
  • Take notice of what’s going on in the background of your video chats for any additional clues, such as whether or not the home looks neat and well maintained, in addition to personal hygiene – unkempt, disheveled hair, as an example.
  • Take into consideration whether substance abuse could be a factor. A rise in alcohol consumption during the pandemic is happening in people of all ages, and may be very harmful if there are potential interactions with medications the senior is taking.

If you suspect depression or any other mental health issues in an elderly parent, make sure to connect with the physician immediately. Since you are most familiar with the senior, you may well be able to pick up on signs that the medical team misses during routine appointments, and it’s imperative to make your concerns known.

If you have any concerns, contact Responsive Home Care for additional assistance. We can act as your eyes and ears when you’re unable to be there in person, and provide a wide selection of customized services to enhance socialization and quality of life at home. Contact us at (954) 486-6440 for more information and to learn more about respite care in Weston, FL and surrounding areas.

Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s? Daily Journaling Helps!

Portrait of middle-aged lovely womanTaking care of a senior loved one with Alzheimer’s is a fluid, ever-evolving undertaking. One day may be calm and peaceful, with your parent enjoying activities, eating healthy meals, and sharing laughter with you; while the next day may be filled with agitation, anxiety, and sullenness. Exactly what will today bring?

Figuring out how to best handle the challenging behaviors as well as ensure life is as satisfying and comfortable as possible for a senior with dementia can be made easier through a simple tool: journaling[MS1] . Our experts in home health services in Fort Lauderdale, FL share an easy method to implement it in your day-to-day caregiving routine, and how to utilize your journal to improve quality of life for your senior loved one:

  • Track symptoms and care needs on a daily basis. Your notes don’t have to be lengthy, but record any difficulties that occur, including time of day and what might have triggered the challenges. Also include activities the person managed to execute independently, together with those that were difficult. At the conclusion of every week, review the behaviors to find out if a pattern can be noticed – such as heightened agitation before meals or bedtime.
  • Track eating habits. Take note of which foods are most appealing to the senior, which are easiest for him or her to self-feed, how many meals/snacks tend to be consumed and at what times throughout the day, etc. Don’t forget to include beverages, to guarantee the older adult is taking in sufficient levels of water to stay hydrated. In looking at your notes, you may find that six smaller sized meals throughout the course of the day are better for your senior loved one than three larger ones, for example.
  • Track safety considerations. Maintaining safety is a high concern in Alzheimer’s care, with a variety of dangers that could derive from wandering, dizziness/balance problems, hallucinations, and misunderstanding what common items are used for, such as thinking a household cleaner could actually be a sports drink. Securing hazardous items or putting them in out-of-reach places is important, and maintaining a list of changes made to the home environment for safety’s sake can be extremely helpful to notify other family and friends to potential risks.

Additionally, it is recommended to take your journal with you to your loved one’s medical appointments, and bring any concerns recorded to his or her attention. This allows you to be completely prepared in advance of appointments with questions you need to get answered, making the most of the short time available to consult with doctors.

Get in touch with our highly trained and knowledgeable experts in home care in Davie, FL and surrounding areas for even more tips, along with specialized in-home care that increases safety while maximizing independence, purpose, and meaning – making every day the very best it can be for someone with dementia.

Fort Lauderdale In-Home Care Tips: Avoid These Common Senior Medication Dangers

Senior man sitting and looking at his medication despondantly

A current study of over 2,000 seniors finds that a remarkable 87% take one or more prescription drugs, and a full 36% are taking five or more – in addition to 38% using over-the-counter meds on a frequent basis. Managing these medications in our later years can be quite challenging, and there are certain risks and dangers which can develop during the process.

As specialists in Fort Lauderdale home care, Responsive Home Care’s caregiving team assists older adults in ensuring meds are taken when and how they are prescribed. It is also extremely important to understand common issues seniors encounter with using their prescriptions, and just how to conquer them. For instance:

Occasionally, signs and symptoms continue in spite of taking medications properly. Busy medical practitioners may prescribe what’s known as a “starter dose” of a medication, which calls for follow-up to find out if adjustment is needed; but in many cases, that follow-up never occurs. Make sure you schedule a subsequent visit with the physician when a new medication is prescribed, and ensure the senior keeps that visit.

Side effects may be more serious than the condition being treated. Of particular concern are medications that impact a senior’s balance and thinking – increasing the prospect of a fall or other dangerous consequences. Prescriptions to be particularly vigilant about include anticholinergics, sedatives/tranquilizers, benzodiazepines, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and opiates. Talk with the doctor if any of these medications are prescribed for an older family member and cautiously weigh the possible risks against benefits.

Staying compliant with medication adherence can be a struggle. Remembering that one certain med needs to be taken with food, while another on an empty stomach, another with a full glass of water, one before breakfast and two at bedtime, can make it enormously challenging to take prescriptions exactly when and how they are prescribed. Enlist the services of a home care agency, like Responsive Home Care, for medication reminders.

Cost may be prohibitive. When cost for a certain prescription is high, older adults could very well be inclined to cut their dosage amounts to conserve cost – an extremely risky behavior. Older adults can instead talk to their doctors about generic versions of medications, or any other methods to keep cost at a minimum.

Know about possible interactions with other meds. Bring a full listing of every one of the medications a senior loved one is taking to a physician or pharmacist with expertise in polypharmacy, who can confirm that the drugs can safely be taken in combination with one another. Be sure to include any over-the-counter medications taken routinely as well. For a quick online assessment, this drug interaction checker lets you enter all of a senior’s medications and view any concerns that may then be shared with his or her physician.

Contact the Fort Lauderdale in-home care specialists at Responsive Home Care at 954-486-6440 for additional medication management tips, as well as for professional hands-on help with medication reminders, accompaniment to doctors’ appointments, and much more to help those you love remain healthy and safe.

The Elevated Danger of Dehydration in Seniors and How to Help

Senior woman at home drinking hot drink and smiling at the camera

Seniors are among the group with the highest hospitalizations due to dehydration. Learn how to reduce the risk with these easy prevention methods.

Did you know that almost one half of all older adults are chronically under-hydrated, based on a new scientific study conducted at UCLA? Not just that, but seniors over age 65 account for the highest group of hospital admissions as a consequence of dehydration.

Dehydration can easily sneak up on seniors, who often have a reduced sensation of thirst, may experience medication side effects that cause hydration problems, or who erroneously believe that drinking less will decrease incontinence issues.

Senior dehydration can be extremely dangerous, increasing the risk for health issues which include:

  • UTIs
  • Kidney stones and/or failure
  • Blood clots
  • Seizures
  • Hypovolemic shock
  • And many more

Dehydration can be identified by the following symptoms:

First stages:

  • Reduced amount/darker-colored urine
  • Dry mouth
  • Feelings of weakness, dizziness, and/or lower energy
  • Muscle cramps
  • Irritability

Advanced stages:

  • Confusion and disorientation, including difficulty walking
  • Low blood pressure levels and weakened, faster pulse and breathing
  • Stomach bloating
  • Sunken, dry eyes
  • Skin that is wrinkled with no elasticity
  • Worsened muscle cramps and contractions, and/or convulsions

While we often pay more attention to hydration when the air temperature is elevated, it is important for seniors to consume sufficient fluids throughout the year. A quick and easy formula to find out how much, on average, an older adult should drink every day is to divide his or her body weight by three, and have him or her take in that many ounces of water. As an example, if a senior loved one weighs 180 pounds, he or she would need to have a minimum of 60 ounces of water each day.

Try these guidelines to ensure the older adults you love stay healthy and hydrated:

  • Plain water is best, but take into account other types of fluids, including soup, juice, fruits, and vegetables. Abstain from sugary and caffeinated beverages.
  • Place bottled water, or a small pitcher of ice water and a cup, near the older adult to prompt him or her to sip on it conveniently during the day.
  • Try various temperatures. Sometimes a warmed cup of water is more comforting than an icy one. You may even try heating up juice and other beverages to figure out if they are more appealing, or provide popsicles if needed.

The experienced in-home caregivers at Responsive Home Care are experienced in imaginative techniques to help older adults stay hydrated, and in monitoring fluid intake to ensure adequate fluids are consumed every day. Contact us at (954) 486-6440 to learn more about how we can help enhance the health of senior loved ones with home health care in Davie, FL and nearby areas, in the convenience and familiarity of home. We provide home care services throughout Broward County.

Aging in Place: Technology Solutions for Seniors

An elderly woman is using a smartphone. Whether you’re attempting to tune a guitar, study a new language, or just add cats’ ears to a selfie, there is an app for that! And for seniors who elect to age in place, technology may be an essential element in improving safety, comfort, and overall well-being.

Take Amazon’s Alexa, for example. Whereas its current benefits for seniors are many, including the ability to track glucose levels, make doctor appointments, and research information related to a specific medical condition, it is actually positioned to dive even further into the medical care arena – perhaps even detecting heart attacks and helping doctors get precise diagnoses.

The following are some additional ideas for technology for seniors you might like to consider:

  • Home Security: A motion-detecting security system delivers peace of mind pertaining to crime prevention, yet often can perform a lot more; for example, warning when sensing smoke, broken glass, or temperatures in the home that are too high or low, just to name a few. They’re also beneficial for those diagnosed with dementia who can be at risk of wandering, to alert to an older adult’s movements around the home.
  • Telehealth: Save a trip to your physician’s office by making use of one of a variety of apps which allow for remote consultations from board-certified physicians, psychologists, and psychiatrists, a lot of whom are available 24 hours a day, seven days per week.
  • Fall Prevention: One of the top contributors to senior falls is insufficient lighting. Smart lights use motion detection to boost lighting in areas of particular concern, which include between the bedroom and bathroom, or on exterior walkways, when set off by a person’s movement.
  • Fraud Protection: Senior con artists are unrelenting and consistently changing their tactics. Older adults can boost security through apps that keep track of financial activity and neighborhood crime activity, reduce robocalls, identify any use of a person’s Social Security number, and so much more.
  • Health Care: Multiple healthcare needs can now be met without leaving home, including video chats with physicians to avoid a visit to the office, medication ordering, and medication management to ensure meds are used at the proper times as well as in the correct doses.

Contact Responsive Home Care for more suggestions for improving life at home for older adults – whether via technology, our specialized in-home care assistance, or both! We’re always here to help set up and explain technology for seniors, and also to provide you with the tried-and-true, hands-on assistance in the home that enables older adults to live their best lives. Call us now at 954-486-6440 for an in-home consultation to learn more about the best home health services Pembroke Pines and the surrounding areas have to offer!

How to Help a Loved One with Alzheimer’s when Wandering Occurs

Alzheimer's wandering - sunrise home health

Alzheimer’s disease often causes a person to wander, possibly into a dangerous situation. Learn more about how to keep your loved one’s home safe to prevent wandering.

Of the numerous ramifications of Alzheimer’s disease, perhaps one of the most worrying is the person’s tendency for wandering and also the potential dangers that can develop if the senior becomes disoriented or lost. Alzheimer’s wandering can occur any time the older adult is:

  • Frightened, confused or overwhelmed
  • Searching for someone or something
  • Bored
  • Attempting to preserve a familiar past routine (for example, going to a job or shopping)
  • Taking care of a simple necessity (such as getting a drink of water or going to the bathroom)

The objective is twofold; to help keep your loved one safe, as well as to make certain his / her needs are fulfilled to try and stop the desire to wander. Try the following safety measures if your senior loved one is likely to wander:

  • Make sure the home is equipped with a security system and locks that the senior is not able to master, such as a sliding bolt lock above his or her range of vision. A variety of alarms can be found, from something as simple as placing a bell over door knobs, to highly-sensitive pressure mats which will sound an alarm when stepped on, to GPS products that may be worn, and more. It is also wise to register for the Alzheimer’s Association’s Safe Return Program.
  • Conceal exits by covering up doors with curtains, positioning short-term folding barriers strategically around doorways, or by wallpapering or painting doors to match the surrounding walls. You could also try placing “NO EXIT” signs on doors, which can sometimes dissuade those in the earlier stages of dementia from trying to exit.
  • Another danger for those who wander is the elevated risk of falling. Go through each room of the home and tackle any tripping concerns, such as removing throw rugs, extension cords, and any obstacles which might be obstructing walkways, installing extra lighting, and placing gates at the top and bottom of stairways.

It’s important to keep in mind that with guidance and direction, wandering is not necessarily a problem. Take a walk with each other outside if weather allows and the senior is in the mood to be mobile, providing the added benefit of fresh air, physical exercise, and quality time together.

Although often difficult to manage, the dementia care team at Responsive Home Care, Sunrise home health care leaders,  is specially trained to be equally vigilant and proactive in deterring wandering and to employ creative approaches to help seniors with dementia stay relaxed and content. Reach out to us at 954-486-6440 to learn more about Alzheimer’s wandering and other dementia tips! View our full service area.

How to Confront Aging Parents About Care Assistance

aging parents - dementia care fort lauderdale

Learn tips to address aging parent’s safety at home.

The initial signs may be so subtle that most people wouldn’t even notice. Mom is outgoing, friendly, and conversational while visiting friends and family and while running errands. But those closest to her are beginning to pick up on concerns; like forgetting about the soup cooking on the stove, leading to a scorched pan; putting her keys in the cookie jar; or neglecting to pay bills.

As an adult child of a senior in the beginning stages of compromised safety or the ability to make sound decisions, it can be extremely challenging to transition to a higher degree of involvement and care – yet it’s also extremely important to take steps sooner rather than later.

As with broaching any confrontational topic of conversation, talking with your senior loved one about the concerns you’re seeing is likely to be met with resistance and defensiveness at first. However, it’s important to outline the precise reasons for your concern, and the negative consequences if these behaviors continue or worsen.

Responsive Home Care recommends the following approach:

  1. Ensure that a durable power of attorney has been assigned.
  2. Confirm with your siblings that the issue needs to be addressed, and discuss together what options are available for the senior’s care as needs continue to progress.
  3. Remain compassionate but firm in your approach. Present the choices you’ve thought through. If your parent balks at the idea of moving to an assisted living facility, which many seniors do, offer an in-home caregiver as an alternative, allowing your loved one to remain independent and safe in the comfort of home.
  4. Understand that it will likely take several conversations before your loved one accepts the need for aging care assistance – which is why it’s essential to begin the process as soon as possible.

At Responsive Home Care, we’re experienced in helping seniors feel comfortable and positive about how our services can help improve safety and overall quality of life and wellbeing. When your family decides the time is right for assistance, we can help with highly customized care that can meet a wide range of needs, including:

  • Companionship
  • Meal planning and preparation
  • Housework and laundry
  • Transportation
  • Running errands
  • Highly specialized care for dementia
  • And so much more

Whether the need is for just a few hours each week to enhance safety and socialization, full-time care, or anything in between, partnering with Responsive Home Care improves quality of life for seniors, aging care and provides peace of mind for those who love them. Contact us online or call us today at 954-486-6440 for a free in-home consultation to learn how we provide the kind of dementia care Fort Lauderdale, FL families recommend most!

How to Maintain a Healthy Marriage While Caring for Aging Parents

Mature couple holding hands

Use these tips to make caring for elderly parents and maintaining your marriage less stressful.

In marriage we agree to stick together for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health – but what doesn’t come up in our vows to each other is how to handle the increasing demands of senior care as our parents age.

Yet with our life span increasing, it’s important to have a plan in place to meet both the needs of our parents as they grow older, and the plethora of day-to-day needs, all while honoring our cherished relationship with a spouse. It’s a challenge that’s causing stress and strain for 80% of couples surveyed, resulting in detachment and less quality time together. The following areas in a marriage are particularly impacted by caring for aging parents:

  • Finances. Still holding the top spot for the reason cited for divorce, financial strain is magnified when the older parent has not implemented a financial plan for long-term care. Honestly communicating frustrations with each other and working together to explore options to pay for services can help.
  • Fatigue. As rewarding as it may be, meeting the needs of an elderly loved one requires a great deal of time and energy – leaving little left over at the end of the day for your spouse. Accept opportunities for assistance from others or hire professional in-home senior care help such as Responsive Home Care, so you can be sure to allow for quality time with your spouse.
  • Frustration. Mounting frustration and diminished patience are two common side effects of fatigue, and sadly, we tend to lash out at those we love the most when feeling overwhelmed. Allow imperfection, practice understanding, and seek professional help if needed.

So how else can you avoid these pitfalls and maintain a strong and healthy marriage? These tips can help:

  • Make sure your spouse is always a top priority. Small gestures can go a long way towards this end, such as writing a note of love and appreciation, waking up a few minutes early to share a cup of coffee together before the day becomes hectic, or setting aside time at the end of the day to talk and unwind.
  • Joining an online support group for family caregivers can allow you the opportunity to vent frustrations to those in similar circumstances, alleviating stress.
  • Seek out the services of a professional counselor, either for you individually or for the two of you as a couple.

Another great way to achieve a healthy life balance is through partnering with a trusted in-home care provider, like Responsive Home Care. Our team of Ft. Lauderdale caregivers offers customized respite care solutions that allow family members to take time away from parental care, while offering seniors the opportunity for enhanced socialization with a friendly and fully-trained caregiver. Contact us online or call us at 954-486-6440 to explore our Ft. Lauderdale senior care options today!

Struggling with Osteoarthritis Pain? This New Technique Can Help!

osteoarthritis painIt’s a club no one wants to be a part of; however, as many as 10 million Americans have become members: sharing a diagnosis of osteoarthritis . Due to the wearing away of cartilage over the years, osteoarthritis commonly impacts bigger joints, such as the knees, and may be debilitating to a senior’s quality of life. With three main recommended treatment plans – over-the-counter medications to lessen inflammation, such as ibuprofen, prescription painkillers such as tramadol, or physical therapy – a good number of people with osteoarthritis have resigned themselves to a lifetime of limping, suffering, modified activity levels, and not surprisingly, chronic osteoarthritis pain.

And although knee replacement surgery could be helpful for several, not all arthritis sufferers are suitable; or, the potential risks associated with this type of invasive treatment are too great, especially for senior citizens. Now, however, an impressive new procedure has entered the arena, and provides great relief from chronic osteoarthritis pain without the risks or side effects of the other alternatives. Referred to as cooled radio frequency ablation (“Coolief”), the treatment works by “…changing the wiring of the knee…taking away the pain signal and interrupting it,” according to Dr. Amin Sandeep, a pain specialist at Rush University Medical Center. The impressive reduction in soreness, inflammation and stiffness also makes it possible for many patients to reduce their need for prescription medications and then to go back to – or begin – a more active way of life, resulting in better overall health and wellness.

Similar to injections of cortisone, long-lasting but temporary respite from aches and pains is normally achieved for a duration of around six to twelve months. Necessitating only local anesthetic, the procedure is completed on an outpatient basis within as little as 40 minutes. Potential risks and recovery time are minimal; nonetheless, it’s important to bear in mind that the process will not adjust, slow, or stop the progression of osteoarthritis. But for some, quality of everyday life is greatly improved as suffering is lessened significantly.

Are you or a senior loved one faced with osteoarthritis pain? A little help and support goes a long way towards enhancing quality of life for older adults with chronic issues such as osteoarthritis and various other conditions of aging, whether through helping with cleaning and washing, taking care of shopping for groceries and preparing meals, ensuring medications are taken exactly as prescribed, or just offering friendly companionship to brighten up the day. Call Responsive Home Care’s Fort Lauderdale home care team at 954-486-6440 to learn more ways that we can help!

Fort Lauderdale Home Care Tips: Are You Caring or Controlling?

Fort Lauderdale Home Care TipsFeeling safe, protected and cared for is so wonderful. Mothers and fathers thrive on ensuring their children are enveloped in the comfort of knowing their needs will be satisfied, providing the safety net that allows them the self-confidence to explore the world around them. However there comes a stage in all children’s lives when the yearning for freedom exceeds the benefit of protection, and they have to discover what it means to stumble, fall and get up again on their own.

These protective instincts typically trigger once more for adult children towards senior moms and dads. We would like to decrease risks for them, to ensure that they’re safe from harm. Yet at the same time, it’s all too easy to fall into a pattern of overprotectiveness if we’re not really careful, which can lead to feelings of anger and resentment on the part of the elderly parents.

As stated by professor of human development and family studies at Pennsylvania State University Steven Zarit, “One of the scariest things to people as they age is that they don’t feel in control anymore. So if you tell your dad not to go out and shovel snow, you assume that he’ll listen. It’s the sensible thing. But his response will be to go out and shovel away … It’s a way of holding on to a life that seems to be slipping back.”

Research recently explored the effect of stubbornness in older adults’ relationships with their adult children. Although the elders were less inclined to rate themselves as appearing stubborn, their younger loved ones more often observed stubbornness being an issue. The important thing for adult children is in understanding their senior parents’ basis for digging in their heels to hold onto their independence and autonomy, and to stay away from quarrelling and producing a mindset of defensiveness. Clear, open and truthful communication among both parties can go a long way towards smoothing the waters and making certain every person is listened to and fully understood.

So what exactly is the best way to care for our elderly family members without trying to control them? A large dosage of patience, respect and empathy can go far. Putting yourself within the older adult’s shoes and knowing the desire for autonomy lets adult children step back, as opposed to stepping in. Give the additional time an older adult needs to accomplish a task, rather than doing it for the individual. Consistently look for opportunities to show the senior you appreciate his or her suggestions and guidance. For further tips on delivering Fort Lauderdale home care that doesn’t cross the line, contact Responsive Home Care.

What Your Parent Should Bring to an Emergency Shelter

Home Care Services Fort Lauderdale FL

Home Care Services Fort Lauderdale FL

September is National Preparedness Month. This is the ideal opportunity for you to evaluate your aging parent’s needs and make meaningful changes to your nhome care plans to ensure that your senior loved one stays as safe and healthy as possible throughout emergencies such as severe weather and other natural disasters. One situation that is important to prepare for is the possibility that your aging parent will need to evacuate their home prior to the storm. Evacuating helps to ensure that your parent gets out of an area that is at risk of serious damage, helping them to stay safer and more secure during the potentially dangerous situation. In very serious situations your parent’s area might be under a mandatory evacuation order. If this happens, your parent must leave their home and either go to another home, such as yours or that of another member of their care team, or to an emergency shelter. It is important that if your parent must go to an emergency shelter that they know what they should bring and what to expect. This will help them to stay safe, healthy, and secure, and avoid complications.

Some things that your parent should be sure to bring along with them to the emergency shelter include:

• Emergency supplies. Having an emergency kit is an important part of preparing for any type of emergency or disaster. This kit should include several days’ worth of non-perishable food and water, as well as a first aid kit, hygiene and toiletry items, and extra clothing. Store all of these items in a secure, watertight container that is easy to transport so that your parent can bring their own supplies with them to the emergency shelter. This will not only ensure that they know they have what they need, but will also ease strain on the resources of the shelter.

• Personal documents. Be sure that your parent has important documents including identification, contact information for you and other members of their home care services team, insurance information, and the deed to their home. These will provide important information in the event that your parent needs to file an insurance claim or seek medical attention after evacuation.

• Pets. If your aging loved one has pets, make sure that they bring them along with them. They should not leave their animals in a home that is at risk of severe damage due to the storm, or that they may not be able to return to soon. Be aware that they may not be able to bring these animals into the shelter, but that alternative arrangements might be available.

As you are putting preparations into place for your parent, it may be the ideal opportunity for you to think about starting home care services for them. An in-home senior care services provider can be with your parent to help them be aware of impending weather emergencies, make proper preparations, and take necessary steps to stay healthy and safe throughout the situation. Knowing that they are there for your loved one can give you peace of mind that they are safer as they age in place.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Services in Fort Lauderdale  FL to provide companionship, compassion and motivation, please contact the caring staff at Responsive Home Care. Call today 954-486-6440.