senior care research

Why Diabetic Seniors Need to Take Another Look at How They Are Managing Blood Sugar Levels

The most up-to-date guidelines from the Endocrine Society regarding the elderly and diabetes are surprising, to say the least: lower blood sugar isn’t always best. And for individuals who have been maintaining a regimen of finger pricks, insulin injections, and careful monitoring of food consumed, this alteration may be rather hard to swallow. Known as […]

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Dementia Care Tips: Best Approaches to Avoid Personal Care Resistance

Of all the challenges related to providing care for a senior loved one with dementia, the Alzheimer’s Association indicates that the most prevalent difficulty is with personal hygiene, for a variety of reasons: Diminished sense of vision and smell Comfort associated with familiarity (i.e., wanting to wear the same clothes again and again) The challenges […]

Ft. Lauderdale senior home care

Best Ways to Avoid Crossing the Line From Motivation to Bullying with Aging Parents

As a family caregiver, you no doubt encounter a variety of emotions during the day: shared laughter over a joke with your loved one; worry due to a health concern; and of course, occasionally, irritations. We want only the best for people we love, and if an older adult is resistant to doing something we […]

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The Power of Positive Thinking: How to Overcome Caregiver Stress

Our facial expressions reveal so much to people around us, and when you are experiencing an abnormal degree of stress, well-meaning friends will certainly notice it, perhaps encouraging you to essentially, “Cheer up, buttercup!” In reality, of course, it requires a lot more than a few words to turn our mood around and to help […]

use your time wisely at the doctor

Top Tips to Use Your Time Wisely at the Doctor

On any particular day, a physician usually has close to 20 patients to see – in addition to calls, paperwork, and other administrative duties. It leaves precious little time spent with each person, which is why it is essential to take advantage of that time and ensure you clearly understand the outcome of doctor visits […]

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Broward County Family Caregiver Common Stress Point: Making a Mistake

“Of course Grandma can move in with me!” Increasingly more family caretakers are making this commendable choice every day, signifying the beginning of lifestyle changes they can only truly have an understanding of once immersed in them. And even though the positive aspects of providing care for an older parent are immeasurable, they’re not without […]

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Finding Meaning and Purpose Later in Life

Think of an ordinary day in the life of a senior loved one. Ideally it provides a number of positive and enriching experiences: savoring breakfast, participating in a satisfying activity or interest, visiting with a good friend or member of the family, watching a favorite TV show. Nonetheless, there’s a distinction between positivity and purpose; […]

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How to Help a Loved One with Alzheimer’s when Wandering Occurs

Of the numerous ramifications of Alzheimer’s disease, perhaps one of the most worrying is the person’s tendency for wandering and also the potential dangers that can develop if the senior becomes disoriented or lost. Alzheimer’s wandering can occur any time the older adult is: Frightened, confused or overwhelmed Searching for someone or something Bored Attempting […]

home health care Pembroke Pines

Paranoia in the Elderly: What to Do When Dad Seems Irrational

“Listen to me, there’s a dog inside my closet! I hear it growling all night long. We need to find its owner!” Hearing a senior loved one voice worries that you know to be false is unsettling – but not abnormal. The initial impulse may be to try to rationalize with the individual with a […]

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Alzheimer’s News: Important Updates from the 2019 Alzheimer’s Association Facts and Figures Report

2019 Facts and Figures Report, and with a staggering 5.8 million Americans presently diagnosed with the disease – including one out of every ten older adults – it is essential for all of us to be familiar with the latest innovations in research and treatment plans.