It may have been suspected, or maybe broadsided you out of nowhere. Mom has just received the official diagnosis for a progressive disease that’s going to make independent life a challenge. While there are lots of unknowns, one thing is for sure: she is insistent about remaining at home – meaning you may need to […] Savage, RN, BSN, President Savage, RN, BSN, President2021-11-03 05:36:402021-11-03 02:47:13How to Be a Supportive Family Caregiver for Someone with a New Diagnosis
What motivates you to get up out of bed every morning? The answer is different for every single one of us, of course, but there is one commonality: it could allow you to live longer. Scientific studies are answering the question, “Does having a sense of purpose help us to live longer?” with a resounding […] Savage, RN, BSN, President Savage, RN, BSN, President2021-10-19 09:04:252021-10-01 18:08:55Does Having a Sense of Purpose Help Us Live Longer?
If you knew that a significantly better quality of life could be achieved for someone you care about, you wouldn’t hesitate to explore that option. Yet one of the most beneficial types of care – hospice care – is one that family members shy away from, because of many different hospice misconceptions. Hospice is intended […] Savage, RN, BSN, President Savage, RN, BSN, President2021-10-14 09:00:252021-10-01 18:03:28Are You Falling for These Common Hospice Misconceptions?
If it feels like a senior with Alzheimer’s has completely rewritten the rules on when and how to sleep, you are not dreaming—Alzheimer’s affects sleep. For reasons that are not yet fully understood, a number of people with dementia experience changes to their circadian rhythm, leading to sleepless nights and drowsy days. The progression of […] Savage, RN, BSN, President Savage, RN, BSN, President2021-10-06 09:56:092021-10-01 18:00:07How to Help Your Loved One When Alzheimer’s Affects Sleep
If someone were providing care services for you, how would you want that caregiver/care receiver relationship to look? What qualities would shift that degree of care from ordinary to extraordinary? Taking care of an older loved one at home is a noble and selfless commitment. It’s never a responsibility that should be taken lightly, or […] Savage, RN, BSN, President Savage, RN, BSN, President2021-09-20 10:04:232021-08-31 17:09:54Tips to Help You Become a Champion Caregiver for Elderly Parents
Disorientation. Confusion. Memory loss. While these are definitely hallmark warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, they can also come about from taking specific medications. Before automatically assuming an inevitable dementia diagnosis, review the following list of prescription medications that may cause similar effects. Pain Medications Opioids specifically are reported to affect […] Savage, RN, BSN, President Savage, RN, BSN, President2021-09-14 10:00:352021-08-31 18:08:22Is It a Potential Dementia Diagnosis or Medication Side Effects?
If you were to list the top five emotions you experience in meeting the caregiving needs of your elderly parents, what would they be? Maybe you’d first think of emotions like love, compassion, and in some cases, even frustration or stress. Would anger make the list? In many cases, though family care providers might not […]
Life, especially but not just during the pandemic, can be filled with uncertainty. For seniors who are feeling less in command of particular facets of life, such as losing physical or cognitive functioning, concentrating on what can be controlled is empowering. A great place to start is by establishing a regular routine, personalized to a […] Savage, RN, BSN, President Savage, RN, BSN, President2021-08-24 06:00:252021-09-09 00:39:23Senior Home Care Tip from the Pros: Create and Follow a Daily Schedule
Watch what occurs at your next family get together when a new mom places her infant in someone’s arms. The individual is likely to transition instantly into baby mode: a high-pitched, sing-song voice, exaggerated facial expressions, and overly-simplified speech. Of course, this is quite normal and actually beneficial to a baby’s growing brain. Hopefully, however, […] Savage, RN, BSN, President Savage, RN, BSN, President2021-08-17 10:43:582022-03-09 21:31:00Tips for Respecting Elders in How you Speak to Them
Distress. Fear. Embarrassment. The thoughts and feelings surrounding a potential Alzheimer’s diagnosis may cause older adults to keep their suspicions to themselves. A recently available AARP survey peeled away a few of the layers of emotion to get to the reason – namely, a concern over losing independence and becoming a problem to others. While […] Savage, RN, BSN, President Savage, RN, BSN, President2021-08-10 05:38:192022-02-23 18:22:40How to Talk with the Doctor if You Suspect an Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis
How to Be a Supportive Family Caregiver for Someone with a New Diagnosis
/in Caregiving Tips, Chronic Disease, Family Caregiving /by Debbie Savage, RN, BSN, PresidentIt may have been suspected, or maybe broadsided you out of nowhere. Mom has just received the official diagnosis for a progressive disease that’s going to make independent life a challenge. While there are lots of unknowns, one thing is for sure: she is insistent about remaining at home – meaning you may need to […]
Does Having a Sense of Purpose Help Us Live Longer?
/in Activities for Seniors, Aging Care Issues, Aging Issues, Personal Care Tips, Senior Exercise, Senior Health, Senior Safety /by Debbie Savage, RN, BSN, PresidentWhat motivates you to get up out of bed every morning? The answer is different for every single one of us, of course, but there is one commonality: it could allow you to live longer. Scientific studies are answering the question, “Does having a sense of purpose help us to live longer?” with a resounding […]
Are You Falling for These Common Hospice Misconceptions?
/in Aging Care Issues, Aging Issues, Caregiver Issues, Caregiving Tips, Hospice, Misconceptions /by Debbie Savage, RN, BSN, PresidentIf you knew that a significantly better quality of life could be achieved for someone you care about, you wouldn’t hesitate to explore that option. Yet one of the most beneficial types of care – hospice care – is one that family members shy away from, because of many different hospice misconceptions. Hospice is intended […]
How to Help Your Loved One When Alzheimer’s Affects Sleep
/in Aging Care Issues, Aging Issues, Alzheimer's and Dementia Care, Alzheimer's DIsease, Blog, Caregiving Tips, Senior Health, Sleep /by Debbie Savage, RN, BSN, PresidentIf it feels like a senior with Alzheimer’s has completely rewritten the rules on when and how to sleep, you are not dreaming—Alzheimer’s affects sleep. For reasons that are not yet fully understood, a number of people with dementia experience changes to their circadian rhythm, leading to sleepless nights and drowsy days. The progression of […]
Tips to Help You Become a Champion Caregiver for Elderly Parents
/in Blog, Caregiver Issues, Caregiving, Caregiving Tips /by Debbie Savage, RN, BSN, PresidentIf someone were providing care services for you, how would you want that caregiver/care receiver relationship to look? What qualities would shift that degree of care from ordinary to extraordinary? Taking care of an older loved one at home is a noble and selfless commitment. It’s never a responsibility that should be taken lightly, or […]
Is It a Potential Dementia Diagnosis or Medication Side Effects?
/in Alzheimer's, Alzheimer's and Dementia Care, Health Concerns, Medication /by Debbie Savage, RN, BSN, PresidentDisorientation. Confusion. Memory loss. While these are definitely hallmark warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, they can also come about from taking specific medications. Before automatically assuming an inevitable dementia diagnosis, review the following list of prescription medications that may cause similar effects. Pain Medications Opioids specifically are reported to affect […]
How to Handle the Unexpected Emotions of Caregiver Anger and Resentment
/in Aging Care Issues, Caregiver Issues, Caregiver Stress, Uncategorized /by Debbie Savage, RN, BSN, PresidentIf you were to list the top five emotions you experience in meeting the caregiving needs of your elderly parents, what would they be? Maybe you’d first think of emotions like love, compassion, and in some cases, even frustration or stress. Would anger make the list? In many cases, though family care providers might not […]
Senior Home Care Tip from the Pros: Create and Follow a Daily Schedule
/in Activities for Seniors, Blog, Caregiving Tips, Senior Care /by Debbie Savage, RN, BSN, PresidentLife, especially but not just during the pandemic, can be filled with uncertainty. For seniors who are feeling less in command of particular facets of life, such as losing physical or cognitive functioning, concentrating on what can be controlled is empowering. A great place to start is by establishing a regular routine, personalized to a […]
Tips for Respecting Elders in How you Speak to Them
/in Aging Care Issues, Blog, Caregiving Tips, Elder Care /by Debbie Savage, RN, BSN, PresidentWatch what occurs at your next family get together when a new mom places her infant in someone’s arms. The individual is likely to transition instantly into baby mode: a high-pitched, sing-song voice, exaggerated facial expressions, and overly-simplified speech. Of course, this is quite normal and actually beneficial to a baby’s growing brain. Hopefully, however, […]
How to Talk with the Doctor if You Suspect an Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis
/in Alzheimer's, Alzheimer's and Dementia Care, Alzheimer's DIsease, Dementia /by Debbie Savage, RN, BSN, PresidentDistress. Fear. Embarrassment. The thoughts and feelings surrounding a potential Alzheimer’s diagnosis may cause older adults to keep their suspicions to themselves. A recently available AARP survey peeled away a few of the layers of emotion to get to the reason – namely, a concern over losing independence and becoming a problem to others. While […]